Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where are you located?
SACC is located in the Vertical Campus, room 2-116. Click this link for a map. If you need to get in touch with someone, please click Contact us on the left menu.
Q: What are your hours?
During the Fall and Spring semesters, SACC is open for in-person services Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 7:00PM. Online tutoring is available Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 9:00PM, and Saturday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Additional times outside of these hours may also be available for online tutoring, depending on tutor availability.
During the Summer semester, SACC is open for in-person services Monday through Thursday from 10:00AM to 6:00PM. Online tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM to 9:00PM.
When there are no classes in session, SACC is closed.
Q: Is SACC open to anyone?
Tutoring, workshops, and final exam reviews at SACC support specific undergraduate courses. To receive support from SACC for a particular course, you must be registered for that course.
Q: What services for students does SACC provide?
SACC has a variety of online and in-person services to meet your needs. Please explore the menu options for more information.
Q: Why should I come for tutoring?
Working with a tutor is a great way to understand course material better and improve your study strategies, both of which can lead to higher grades. Baruch tutors are peer tutors, which means they have already taken the Baruch courses they’re tutoring and earned high grades. They are a fantastic resource. Because they’re students just like you, you’re likely to feel very comfortable working with them.
Q: Is there a charge for tutoring?
There is no charge for any SACC services. The cost is covered by your tuition. In other words, you’ve already paid for it, so you might as well use it!
Q: Do I need to make an appointment?
All SACC services are appointment-based. Walk-ins for in-person tutoring will be seated if space is available, but scheduling appointments in advance is strongly encouraged. Please select Manage Your Appointments and Go to Your Sessions from the left menu to learn how to schedule an appointment.
Q: Can I change the mode of instruction between in-person and online for an appointment?
No. Once you reserve an appointment for any service either in-person or online, you cannot change the mode of instruction for that appointment.
Q: How long is a tutoring session?
In-person and online tutoring sessions last for one hour. Workshops and exam reviews are longer. Please note start and end times carefully when scheduling appointments.
Q: How often may I meet with a tutor?
You may schedule appointments up to seven days in advance. Contingent upon tutor availability, you may schedule up to two appointments per course, per day. However, you are limited to no more than four upcoming appointments per course on your schedule at any given time. Although they can be very difficult to get, there is no limit to walk-ins.
Q: Is tutoring done in groups or is it one-on-one?
In general, tutoring is conducted in groups of two. Students repeating certain courses may be invited to participate in the BAR Program, which provides a weekly, one-on-one appointment with an experienced tutor. Students registered with Student Disability Services may also request one-on-one tutoring.
In the Spring 2025 semester, online and in-person tutoring will take place in groups of two.
Q: Can I bring a classmate with me to tutoring?
No. To attend a tutoring session, each student must have their own appointment.
Q: Who are the tutors?
SACC tutors are current Baruch students or recent Baruch graduates chosen for their outstanding academic achievement and interpersonal skills.
Q: Are SACC tutors trained?
Yes. SACC tutors complete at least two levels of our comprehensive, rigorous training program, which is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association. The training emphasizes techniques for encouraging students to be actively engaged during their tutoring sessions because research shows that the more actively engaged students are in their learning, the more they learn.
Q: What won’t SACC tutors do?
Tutors will not do the work for you or reteach the lecture. The peer tutoring process requires your active engagement. In addition, under no circumstances will tutors assist students with assignments that will be graded, such as homework or take-home exams.
Q: How does online tutoring work?
During the Spring 2025 semester, tutoring is available both in person and online. Appointments for both types of tutoring are scheduled the same way using TutorTrac. When it’s time for your online session to begin, you will enter your tutor’s Zoom waiting room directly from TutorTrac. Log on to TutorTrac with your Baruch credentials. Click the blue button that says “Enter Zoom Appointment” which appears next to your appointment a few minutes before start time. For detailed instructions click Manage Your Appointments and Go To Your Sessions. Once the session starts, you should plan to participate actively in your session using voice, chat, and writing on the whiteboard. We have tried to preserve as many in-person tutoring features as possible to create a beneficial learning experience for you online.
Q: Why are online tutoring sessions recorded, and can I get a copy of the recording?
All Zoom sessions for tutoring, workshops, and other SACC programs are recorded for training and supervisory purposes. To protect the privacy of students, group session recordings are not available to students. Please plan to take notes just like you would during an in-person tutoring session. In addition, your tutor may choose to make a copy of their Whiteboard or OneNote contents available to you.
Q: How should I prepare before I come for tutoring?
Attend class, take notes, do the readings, and try the practice problems or reflection questions before you come for tutoring. Preparation helps you determine what you understand and what you don’t, so you can choose a goal for your tutoring session that will benefit you the most. Please have your class notes, textbook, and any other materials you think might be helpful to refer to during the session. If you want to work on a review sheet or practice exam, please complete as many of the problems as you can before your session.
Q: Will my professor know that I have come for tutoring?
Students’ attendance at tutoring and workshops is reported to professors upon their request. Professors who would like to know about students’ attendance at tutoring and workshops can email their requests to For embedded support such as PLTL for MTH 1023 and Recitation for MTH 2009, attendance is reported to instructors automatically every week.
Q: Are there services for students with disabilities?
Yes. Students registered with Student Disability Services (SDS) may choose to receive one-on-one tutoring rather than group tutoring. Also, SDS has provided SACC with specialized software and equipment to make in-person tutoring services accessible.
Q: What happens if I am late for my appointment?
For both in-person and online tutoring, you will lose your appointment if you are more than 20 minutes late. In addition, for in-person tutoring, you may lose your seat to a walk-in if you are more than 10 minutes late.
Q: What is the cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel your appointment, you must do so at least ten (10) minutes before your scheduled session or it will count as a missed appointment. To cancel an appointment, log on to TutorTrac.
Q: What happens if I miss my appointment?
If you miss four (4) appointments, you will not be able to schedule appointments for the rest of the semester. Any appointments you already had scheduled will remain in place. Your account will be reactivated automatically at the beginning of the next semester.
Q: I need to develop my study skills. Can SACC help me?
Yes. SACC tutors can discuss your current study strategies with you and suggest ways you can improve them. You should also feel free to ask them about their study strategies. Also, SACC sometimes offers workshops on improving study strategies, and we have handouts and other resources available to help you. Click Resources on the left menu for additional support.
Q: I need additional help. Are there any SACC tutors available for private tutoring?
Some SACC tutors are willing to take on private clients outside of their regular work hours. You may submit your request to the front desk staff, and they will pass it along. However, that’s where SACC’s role ends. There is no guarantee that a SACC tutor will contact you, and if they do, it’s up to you to negotiate terms directly with the tutor.
Q: How do I become a tutor?
You must have completed 24 local credits, have a GPA of 3.3 or higher, and earned an A or A- in the subjects you’d like to tutor. You will need to submit a faculty recommendation. Your recommendation needs to come from a professor from a course you plan on tutoring. There are application deadlines in August and January. SACC generally does not hire additional tutors after the semester begins. For more information, please click Jobs at SACC on the left menu.
Q: Are SACC tutors paid?
Yes, tutoring at SACC is a paid position. For information about pay rates, please click Jobs at SACC.
Q: If I have a suggestion, compliment, or complaint to report, what should I do?
Your comments and suggestions help us to improve our services, and we welcome your feedback. To speak with a supervisor, please ask at the front desk. You may also email your comments to or use the Student Feedback Form if you would like to remain anonymous.
Last Updated: January 8, 2025